Elizabeth Johnston Organizes ‘Solemn Assembly’ to Spur Church’s Action on Abortion

(Worthy News) – Christian Pro-Lifers met in Richmond, Virginia over the weekend for a “Day of Mourning,” following passage of a late-term abortion bill in New York in January and a more recent bill proposed in Virginia.

The event organizer, Elizabeth Johnston, who is known by the moniker “activist mommy” on social media, said the day saw “dozens from the medical community on stage mourning and repenting over what the medical community has done to these babies.”

In January the Reproductive Health Act was passed in the New York State legislature with a 38-28 vote, effectively decriminalizing late-term abortions in the Empire State. A few weeks later Virginia governor Ralph Northam voiced support for a similar bill that would allow abortions up to 40 weeks of pregnancy, saying a “fetus that’s not viable” could justify a third trimester abortion.

“We are in the 11th hour in our country. If we don’t turn from our wicked ways now as a nation, we are toast,” Johnston lamented, citing the church’s laxity on the recent snowballing legislation.

The slew of new abortion bills comes amidst fears on the left that the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court last Fall will lead to the overturning of Roe V. Wade, which Planned Parenthood’s website called “a huge blow to our right to access safe, legal abortion.”

The landmark 1973 Supreme Court case ruled that access to abortions was guaranteed to women as a constitutional right under the privacy clause of the 14th Amendment.

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