Iran Restarts Advanced Nuclear Work

(Worthy News) – Iranian leaders have authorized and begun spinning a set of advanced nuclear centrifuges to mark the country’s Iran National Nuclear Day, which leaders said is in honor “of all the jihadi efforts of our country’s nuclear industrialists.”

In unveiling a set of IR-6 nuclear centrifuges, which are the key component in enriching uranium to amounts that could be used as fuel for a weapon, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani claimed that Tehran has “acquired missiles and weapons you could not have imagined.”

“Today, and throughout the past year, we have launched 114 new technologies via the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran,” Rouhani was quoted as saying in remarks translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute, or MEMRI. “This is the message to the world: You have not succeeded and you will not succeed in preventing the progress and development of the Iranian people and [their] scientists. If yesterday you feared our IR-1 centrifuges—well, here you go! [ Source: Washington Free Beacon (Read More…) ]

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