Israel’s moonshot blasts off with a successful launch

(Worthy News) – Israel’s first lunar-bound spacecraft successfully blasted off early Friday morning, embarking on a seven-week trip to land on the moon. If the privately funded Beresheet project is successful, Israel will be just the fourth country to land a spacecraft on the moon.

Beresheet lifted off from Cape Canaveral in Florida at 3:45 a.m. Israel time (8:45 p.m. Thursday EST), catching a ride on one of Elon Musk’s SpaceX commercial space launches.

The start of the flight went smoothly, with the first stage entry burn completed uneventfully less than three minutes after lift-off. At 4:25 am, 38 minutes after takeoff, Beresheet successfully detached from the Falcon 9 rocket, in the first test of its ability to function under its own power. [ Source: Times of Israel (Read More…) ]

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