Russia-to-Germany undersea pipeline unnerves U.S., riles region

(Worthy News) – It has driven a wedge between America and its allies, given Russia a chance to put a stranglehold on European energy markets and may even threaten U.S. national security, some observers suggest, by potentially doubling as a spy device.

The proposed Russia-to-Germany Nord Stream 2 has morphed into much more than just another natural gas pipeline project, and it has U.S. officials vowing economic retaliation. U.S. allies across central and southern Europe warn that the project will sideline them while drawing Moscow and Berlin closer.

The 745-mile undersea pipeline, U.S. and foreign officials say, is poised to be a weapon Russia can wield to increase European dependence on its fuel. Furthermore, officials tell The Washington Times, deep security concerns are associated with Nord Stream 2, and the Trump administration has taken steps to sanction Russian companies that provide materials for Moscow’s “underwater capabilities” used to track undersea communication cables. [ Source: Washington Times (Read More…) ]

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