Russian lawmaker urges Putin to take ‘military measures’ if US strikes Syria

(Worthy News) – Russian President Vladimir Putin should authorize “military measures” in response to any strike by western powers on Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime, according to a senior Russian lawmaker.

“The United Russia party conscientiously states that all political, diplomatic and military measures if necessary will be taken,” Vladimir Shamanov, a defense committee chairman in the Russian legislature’s lower house, said Tuesday. “We won’t let the Americans hammer nails on someone else’s anvil.”

Shamanov, a former Russian general who played an allegedly brutal role in the Chechen war that established Putin’s popularity when he first came to power, echoed the Russian Foreign Ministry’s argument that Assad is not responsible for the latest chemical weapons attack in Syria. But he put a finer point on the threat of military retaliation, following diplomatic warnings of “grave repercussions” that could result from a strike against Assad. [ Source: Washington Examiner (Read More…) ]

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