Can Lead Water Filters Remove Lead from Water Efficiently?

In our day-to-day life, we mostly use tap water for our basic needs. However, the underwater pipes through which the water reaches us contaminate our water with lead. As per research, millions of citizens in the United States of America drink contaminated water which contains bacteria and lead. This contaminated water doesn’t have immediate effects but has a long-run effect on human health. As per studies of WHO, lead slowly accumulates in your body parts like teeth and bones, making them weak. Therefore, people need to install lead water filters in their houses for safe drinking water.


How to find out the presence of lead in your tap water?


People living in old buildings and complexes have the highest risk of lead contamination in their tap water. If you are concerned that your tap water has an unsafe level of lead in it, then you can go for a water lab test. Generally, the local water supplying authority in your area can offer you free lab water tests. Otherwise, you can visit any certified lab for testing the lead levels in your tap water.


How is lead removed from tap water?


Earlier, people in the USA used to follow reverse osmosis filtration or distillation filters for the purification of water. However, in this process, healthy minerals present in water are also washed away. It was also expensive. Well, other methods like the flush out lead method lead to wastage of water. But with the help of development in technology, several activated carbon filters are available in the market. These can remove up to 95% of lead in your water, bringing it to safe levels. Water filters like pitchers, faucet water filters, and whole house filters can be effective in removing lead from your tap water.


How do lead water filters work?


The most common water filters make use of activated carbon for filtering the impurities from the tap water. The filtration system consists of carbon blocks through which the water passes. During this process, activated carbon becomes like a piece of magnet that absorbs and breaks down the lead as well as other impure particles. After some time, the carbon has accumulated as much contaminant as it can and needs to be replaced for the water filter to work with efficiency. It is recommended to replace your water filter every 120 gallons or six months. However, it may vary on factors like the kind of filter and the level of impurities. Some filters come with indicators.


Benefits of lead water filters

  • It helps you to remove lead, fluorides, and chlorine from the water that comes from water treatment plants.
  • Removal of heavy metals from tap water prevents children from skin diseases like psoriasis and eczema.
  • Parasites causing digestion and intestinal problems can be removed with the help of water filters.
  • Improves the taste and smell of drinking water.
  • Water filters act as a water softener by removing hard metals from the tap water, thereby minimizing the wastage of soap used for bathing and washing utensils and clothes.
  • It saves you from the cost of buying filtered water bottles and saves the environment by disposal of the same.

Nephros Inc. Also Offers Following Services :

Ultrafilter Dialysis

Infection control water


Hemodiafiltration Machine


Advantages of Point of Entry Filtration

If you are looking for quality drinking water, then in most cities and towns, you have no other option but to go in for filtering the water supply that comes to your home. There are different types of filtration systems and point of entry filtration is also something that is considered to be one of the better options. Water filtration systems can be installed to cater to the needs of the entire home or for certain places like the kitchen, and some other rooms where regular drinking water is required. However, there are many who believe that point of entry filtrations are a better option. They are not entirely wrong because there are some unmistakable advantages as far as filtration systems at the point of entry are concerned. There are also some downsides. We are listing down the pros and cons of this type of filtration system.




Clean and healthy drinking water for the whole house. This perhaps is one of the biggest advantages of POE filtration systems. You can ensure the best quality drinking water for your entire family. You can expect clean water when you shower, drink and also cook. Your clothes also will be cleaner and softer because direct water coming from outside often is quite hard and does not clean your clothes properly. Though you may spend more for these POE water filters, your family will be healthier and you will not end up spending big money on medical treatment and other such avoidable things.


Longer Lifespan


POE water filters always have a longer life span. You can therefore expect much better value for money when you decide to choose it as an option. The average lifespan of these filtration systems are around seven years, compared to four years for other lower cost options. Yes, you need to change the filters regularly.


Cleaner Aware


Many may not be aware of this. Impure water in your home could lead to many harmful contaminants in the atmosphere like radon and chlorine. They usually enter your home atmosphere through aeration from the water showers. This can be avoided when you decide to go in for a POE water filter.


Better quality of life


Clean water all over the house, whenever and wherever you need it without any doubt is a great thing and this is where point of entry filtration systems could make a big difference. They will help that the entire family enjoys a much better quality of life when compared to those who use lower cost filtration systems for kitchens and other selected places of living.




  • POE filtration systems without any doubt are expensive. Hence, many people who have limited budgets in mind may not find it too useful.
  • Filtered water may go to waste. Many homes end up choosing POE filtration systems without making proper assessment of the water needs. This leads to accumulation of expensive filtered water and on many occasions the water goes waste after a few days.





In spite of some drawbacks in the point of entry filtration systems, the advantages are much more. This perhaps explains the growing demand for these filtration systems not only in homes but also in offices and commercial establishments.


Nephros Inc. Also Offers Following Services :

Point of Use Filter

Dialysis Quality Water

Hemodiafiltration Machine

Contact US:

Nephros Inc.
Address:380 Lackawanna Pl,  South Orange, NJ
Phone: (201) 343-5202