Three Things You Should Know About the Charges Against Netanyahu

Three Things You Should Know About the Charges Against Netanyahu

(Worthy News) – First of all, Netanyahu has not been indicted. Israel’s police, after a lengthy investigation, is recommending to Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit that he should indict the prime minister. Yet it’s up to Mandelblit to either indict or drop the charges. This could take months.

Second, what are charges? There are two cases, Case 1000 and Case 2000. Case 1000 contends Netanyahu received hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of gifts from two close friends in exchange for advocating legislation that would benefit those friends. Case 2000 asserts Netanyahu made a deal with a major Israeli publisher for favorable coverage that would weaken a rival publication.

Third, some believe the charges are part of the campaign against Netanyahu for decades.

In her commentary entitled “Israel’s ‘Deep State’ Targets Netanyahu with Bogus Charges,” Israeli journalist Caroline Glick put the allegations in context, noting the “remarkable similarities” to the allegations of conspiracy against US President Donald Trump. [ Source: CBN News (Read More…) ]