Democratic rebuttal to GOP House Intelligence memo released

Democratic rebuttal to GOP House Intelligence memo released

(Worthy News) – The Democratic rebuttal memo to the Republican House Intelligence Committee memo on alleged government surveillance abuses was released Saturday afternoon after receiving a number of redactions.

Democrats say their memo, spearheaded by ranking member Adam Schiff, D-Calif., was written as a rebuttal to provide greater context to a Republican memo that was released earlier this month, which outlines abuses by the FBI and the Justice Department against the Trump campaign, particularly in the write-up and approval of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant applications to spy on ex-Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page. [ Source: Washington Examiner (Read More…) ]

Devin Nunes shares ‘point by point’ refutation of Democratic memo

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., shared a “point by point refutation” to the memo from the Democrats in his committee designed to rebut the Republicans’ memo on alleged government surveillance abuses. [ Source: Washington Examiner (Read More…) ]

Christian college wins battle with HHS over birth control mandate

Christian college wins battle with HHS over birth control mandate

(Worthy News) – A district court ruled that the federal government can’t force a small Christian college to provide reproductive services such as the morning-after pill in its healthcare plans because it violates the college’s religious beliefs.

The ruling late Thursday caps a five-year battle between the Illinois-based Wheaton College and the Department of Health and Human Services over Obamacare’s birth control mandate. The ruling comes as President Trump’s efforts to scale back the mandate have been challenged in court.

George W. Bush appointee Judge Robert M. Dow Jr. of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois issued the ruling. It protects Wheaton from any future application of HHS’ mandate, according to a statement from the nonprofit law firm Becket, which typically focuses on religious liberty cases and represented Wheaton. [ Source (Read More…) ]